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A Blessed Union

A Blessed Union

Issue 89 February 2012

Ayten and Khallad had never considered each other for marriage, until Khallad had an epiphany during an Umrah trip.




I was involved in organising quite a number of youth activities in my local city, and I remember approaching Khallad for advice. He was part of a larger group that ran activities for young Muslims, so I hoped to gain an insight from him on boosting the scope of our work. I also recall that I wasn’t wearing a headscarf at that time, but when I did first wear it, I was surprised at Khallad’s gentlemanly manner in complimenting me. In fact, he was the first one to praise my decision.


I never had Khallad in mind for marriage until I received a call from a friend in 2007, telling me that Khallad was interested in me. To be honest, I was quite surprised at myself for not having considered him. It took me a while to realise that Khallad did, in fact, have all the qualities that were important to me. He is someone who dedicates his life for the sake of God, and also has an inspiring and strong personality, and it was these qualities that convinced me that he was ideal for me






When I fi rst met Ayten, she was responsible for much of the youth activity that was happening in her city. At the time, she was not wearing a headscarf and I remember being astonished because I had never met someone who was active in the community yet did not wear a headscarf. Fortunately, Ayten changed that judgmental image in my mind, and I grew to have a lot of respect for her.


I was on Umrah sometime later and I found myself praying to God to help me fi nd a righteous wife. Miraculously, Ayten appeared in my mind. Although I had known her for a long time, I had not made that connection before. She quite clearly fi tted into my idea of an active, educated, pious and beautiful woman, and already had my deep admiration. So when I returned back to Germany, I got in touch with a friend of hers to discuss the possibility.



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